Monday, April 6, 2009

Wait, what earthquake?!

The craziest things happened for us today! Firstly, last week I sent a fax to the papal offices requesting tickets for Easter Sunday mass at the Vatican, and we definitely didn't expect to get any. BUT a fax came in for me today and they gave us 10 Easter tickets!! I couldn't believe it! We're still not sure what the ticket is needed for, my understanding is that it gets us seats at the mass and those without tickets can stand in the back in general admis. But it could very well be that you need a ticket to get into the square period. We shall find out! I'm so incredibly excited to experience it all.

Also, as I'm sure many of you heard there was an earthquake last night a few miles away from Rome. It was centered in a town called L'Aguila, which seems pretty small based on the news coverage I've seen. What is funny about the whole thing is that it hit around 3 or 4 am here, and I slept right through it. I found out about it after reading an "are you ok" email from my mother this morning. There was no damage here in Rome, and I'm just fine. This morning we realized there are two huge framed posters hangning right over my bed, and it could have gotten very ugly, but it didn't. And now we know, apparently it takes more than a 6.something to wake a west-coaster!

Other than these two events, today was fairly routine. Our internship group did switch to a new museum where we are supposed to help the volunteers teach and work with little school children. I was really, truly looking forward to that. However during Holy Week there's no school, so thus no kids. We still don't know what we'll be doing every morning, there was talk about playing twister or something? I may skip... Today was the start of the nothing, we got caffe and then sat around while a volunteer named Daniele played guitar and asked us what songs we knew.

Speaking of songs, I found two videos I enjoyed immensely during the last few days, and now I'm going to share:

Hmmm I think that's about it. Maybe I'll get to bed early tonight :) or maybe not, a few minutes ago I found a tiny little spider crawling around on my bed and I flipped out. Kelsey got it for me, but we'll see if that keeps me up. Thanks again to all who checked in to make sure I was alright! I promise to wake up and feel it next time


Anonymous said...

Hi Nate
Glad you are ok.
What a pitty you are idle this week, they can sure use help at the quake sight.
I too needed a ticket to Xmas Mass when Chris and I visited Rome, we got tickets from the USO which was close to the Vatican. They also use volunteers, I wonder if they are still there?
I also remember we had to go through the radar screening. Our tickets put us way in the back, but that was where the Pope first made his entrance, all the light in the church came on and people were calling out"Papa, Papa".
We did stick around the next day to hear him say Merry Christmas in many languages.

Anonymous said...

We are glad to hear that you were not squished by the earthquake. Love DAD

Unknown said...

West Coaster?? I'm a West Coaster, U r a Pacific N. Wester... Glad you are ok, Sandy asked about u yest. I'm very happy to see another traveler in our family. Someone else to share the torch with. Stay safe and B careful!

Cuzn Gene

Anonymous said...

Nat, loved the 2 videos you mentioned...intriguing!
