Friday, April 3, 2009

Nothing too special...yet

Currently listening to some Journey and surfing Facebook, putting off the last portion of some homework. I forgot how great Don't Stop Believing is, though I have to admit I only listen it for the last chorus and guitar solo--but who doesn't? (I just had the strongest urge to call it a "face-melting solo" but I thought that would be too lame)

Or at least I was doing that until I took a break. I swear it takes me a few hours to write these things. As of now it's almost 2am, and I just am not ready to go to bed. I think it's stress, we're going to Florence for the weekend tomorrow and our planning and execution has been less than perfect. Thus far one of us 6 girls has a ticket, the rest are getting them at the station tomorrow which I hope will work out fine. And we opted for a train that will take almost 4 hours instead of the slightly more expensive 1.5 hour train. I have no book and am not bringing my laptop so I don't know what I'll do with myself for those 4 hours.

That brings me to another point--no laptop=likely no posts. :( I really like doing these so I'm going to miss it at night. Maybe I'll find an internet cafe nearby Saturday night, we'll see. We will also see where we are staying, which as of yet is still undetermined! Right now we have no arrangements for a hostel and I don't think we'll get beds this late, so it may have to be a hotel. I would prefer that because I don't know anything about hostels. I was trying to figure out how to take a shower at one, if I should bring a towel, flipflops, if I should just go without or what. I don't like not knowing what to expect, it makes me very anxious.

I'm sure it will be fine. It's all part of the experience right? Right.

Today was alright, it was the last day of our first internship groups. I'm really going to miss our volunteers, they really started to open up to us the last day or two. We all exchanged emails and we told them to look us up on Facebook. Two or three already did some Facebook adding, they added both of my roommates--but not me! Not sure why, maybe there are multiple Natalie Downs'? Whatever it was, I bit and added them.

Before we left the museum a few of the girls took us to see the planetarium show in the museum, which was decent but of course all in Italian. Didn't catch a word of it. Wait, that's a lie, I understood "la sistema solare." But while I zoned out I started thinking about where I would take the Italian volunteers if they ever came to visit Seattle. I decided I would enlighten them by getting them a proper burger at Red Robin. Then I would show them a mall and a huge supermarket, which I'm pretty sure they don't have here. Then of course the Space Needle, but while there I would make sure to take them to a laser show in the Seattle Center. (The planetarium reminded me of the laser shows and that's what started me on all this.) I would probably walk them around the UW, and if they wanted we could take a ferry somewhere, that's always fun. That's about as far as I got.

I had a 3ish hour break before late class today, so I spent that time writing the journal we're supposed to be keeping in Italian to submit for the week. I just finished a few hours ago and sent it off. Thank God for this blog otherwise I would never have remembered what I did each day. Then in class we translated an Italian fairy tale that was a little bit like Alice in Wonderland but short and sweet. Afterward we all attended a lecture on our excursion tomorrow to the Vatican, and heard all about the history between the Italian and Vatican states. I'm really looking forward to seeing inside St Peter's.

Finally, around 6 there was a Rome Center mixer of sorts, with pizza and cookies and wine. We spent most of the time discussing the logistics and details of Florence. I finally gave up and decided whatever happens happens, I'll let someone else do the planning. What do I care about Florence anyway? Yay, there's David, but that's about all I'm familiar with. The mixer then turned into a viewing of Gladiator, which I had never seen and I actually enjoyed. When the story went to the Colosseum and the rest of Rome, I leaned over to friends and reminded them "we've been there! Oh and there too!" I still can't believe I'm here.

Alright I should probably sleep. Wish us luck in Florence, I hope all goes well! Leave me lovely comments to come back to :) Buon fine settimana


Chelsea said...

Florence = best place ever. Make sure to sit on the triangular jut-outs on Ponte Santa Trinita. It's my favorite spot in my favorite place!!

Also, when you just can't bear pizza and pasta anymore (I know you feel like it already..but boy, will you miss it when you get home), you need to go to Hard Rock Cafe and get a burger. They are delicious. I kid you not. And then either before/after that you should go to the crypt across the street with all the bones of monks. So neat.

St Peter's is so magical, but then I found it hard to appreciate the other churches as much as I previously did.. And finally, sorry for writing an essay.

Anonymous said...

Oh Nat, have a wonderful time! I have a feeling it might be your favorite place. Looking forward to pix of David. Get Sheldon in there :)
bel firenze!


Anonymous said...

Megan's Dad and Mom here, we really like your blog, it gives us another perspective on the trip and Megan. Can you believe that we first heard of the trip to Florence on your blog, not our own dear daughter's blog or email.