Wednesday, April 22, 2009

"Ciao chicka ciao ciao"

It's our last two weeks in Rome and I have been living them up. Monday we found out we didn't have to go to our internships Tues. morning because of Rome's birthday. So of course we all tried to make plans to go out! First the guys in the program showed my roommates and I a hill in Trastevere, and from the top you can see all of Rome. I love it up there. Afterward, I went out with some other Trastevere girls to a pub for drinks and french fries. There was a Red Sox game on that we were hoping they'd show, but it didn't happen. And rather than paying 5 euro for a half-pint of Heineken I just ate the fries. The girls then wanted to try another pub, and that's when I peaced-out to go home and make some dinner with Kelsey.

Later than night I got on facebook and my friend Faith invited me out to a discotecca she knew of. I met them near the Campo at almost midnight, and thus the bus to take to this club wasn't running anymore. We briefly popped into a bar in the Campo and met this incredibly good looking bartender. He was way into this girl Stephanie that came with us, and agreed to meet up the next night to see the Colosseum fireworks with us. We then proceeded to walk for at least 30+ minutes in the general direction of this club, just following the river. At this point, it was 1am and no one was out. Absolutely deserted. Finally we found this place, and there was literally no one there. Not a soul but the bartender and bouncer. For a Monday night it makes sense, but still, no one! We decided we'd walked all the way down here, so we weren't leaving without dancing. On an empty dance floor... the bouncer kept watching us, it was very uncomfortable. Then some creepy guys showed up so we left.

At that point, our bartender friend had called Stephanie wanting to meet up, so we went around the block and met him at this sports bar. This place was packed with people watching an NBA playoff game. Our new friend, Andrea, bought us all drinks, and then we just hung out. We talked to random Italian guys and got a few numbers... they were all creepers. Leah made some sort of record and got like 5 numbers/emails. We could barely get her out of that bar. Then at 5am Faith and I took some initiative and got our group to leave. Andrea gave us all rides to our respective apts. This guy is a pro--he knows that if he wants to win Stephanie over (which he did) he had to be nice to all her friends. Anyways, that's the latest night I've ever had.

Last night was not supposed to be any big deal. We were going to meet up and go to the Colosseum for fireworks around 9. Stephanie had heard they were canceled and didn't want to go anymore, but a few girls and I still went to check it out. She was right, we got there and everyone was walking away. So instead we went to Faith/Leah/Sarah's apt nearby and hung out. Then we walked back near the Campo to the Scholars bar, this Irish pub that's really popular with the English-speaking crowd. Little did we know, it was karaoke night!! So much fun, Christina and others went up and sang Sweet Home Alabama, and I was going to go with Faith to sing Don't Stop Believing until someone did it first! Then Stephanie showed up with Andrea, and Andrea's two friends. One of them, Daniele, told me about a giant organized pillow fight in Trastevere on Sunday. It's only like 2 blocks from me, and now I'm definitely going!!

We were having such a good time just hanging out listening to karaoke that we didn't leave until nearly 4am... again. Andrea and Daniele offered to give us girls a ride back, and we took it. They then took some detours and showed us this incredible view of Rome through this keyhole thing, and then to a 24 hours pasticceria for croissants. It was wild, I had such a good time. But tonight, I sleep.


Anonymous said...

Mercy...Major Party Time!!

Good Old Dad

Anonymous said...

Hmmm....would you take a ride from someone you just met over here?

worried mama

Natalie said...

we all went together mom, and it's better than me walking home across the river alone at 4am

Natalie said...

dad's jealous :)

Anonymous said...

Drinks and French Fries!

That's a new combination!!

God Old Dad