Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Pizzette buonissime

I just had the best pizza. Of my life. Indescribable. I just had to tell someone. Seriously my mind is blown. AND I ate 5 pieces, more than both boys combined :)

And then Manuel drew a picture, and told me to give it to my brother Giuseppe at home. I asked him to draw me one, so he drew me.

Or I guess me with a mask... Am I really that pink??

AND THEN, to top of my entire night, the 6 year old Manuel said one of the funniest things I've ever heard. I was keeping an eye on him while mom smoked the last cigarette of the night, and I told him "io non fumo" (I don't smoke). He high-fived me. Then I asked "ti fumi?" (do you smoke?) He got all serious, looked at me and (jokingly) responded like he was ashamed, "No, ma bevo la birra..." (No, but I drink [the] beer). I about collapsed laughing! Favorite quote of the entire trip.


Anonymous said...

Guess the pizza had no achovies.
Gene still reading blog.
Aunt L

Natalie said...

lorie you're going to love this. i told them the first day i liked seafood, which i think they took to mean fish. so the other night she bought these doughnut-like fried bread things, which were amazing, but she bought one especially for me because it had fish inside. turns out it was an anchovy. i only tried a small piece, made a face, said it was too salty and she ate the rest.

no more anchovies.

Anonymous said...

That pizza does look good,, have you tried the lasagna yet??

Love Dad